Category Archives: Mouse Automation

Auto Click at Current Mouse Cursor Location from Macro Script

From your Macro Script, you can Auto Click at current Mouse Cursor Location by specifying specific screen co-ordinates of X = 999 and Y = -999. Note that the given below Screenshot of Visible Action Selector displays all the Mouse Related Actions which support Automation of Mouse Actions at current Screen Location and also action execution at specific screen location identified by screen co-ordinates.

Auto Click at Current Screen Location from Macro Script

Auto Click at Current Screen Location from Macro Script

When Screen Co-ordinates are specified as X = 999 and Y = -999, the Mouse Cursor is not moved by the Macro Script and the appropriate Mouse Action is executed at current Mouse Cursor Location. Given below Mouse Actions support Mouse Automation at current Mouse Cursor Location on Screen :

  • Left Click
  • Ctrl + Click
  • Shift + Click
  • Alt + Click
  • Ctrl + Alt + Click
  • Middle Mouse Click
  • Right Click
  • Ctrl + Right Click
  • Double Click
  • Double Right Click

For a Complete list of Mouse Actions which support Mouse Automation at Current Screen Location by specifying Screen Co-Ordinates as X = 999 and Y = -999, please do refer to the Mouse Actions for Mouse Automation post in this blog. Negative Screen Co-ordinates do exist and are available for Multiple Monitor Windows Computer when the Secondary Monitor(s) are laid out to the left of Primary Monitor in Virtual Screen Space.

Auto Clicker for Windows to Click at Current Screen Location

Auto Clicker for Windows to Click at Current Screen Location

When you want to Auto Click at Current Screen Location without writing a Macro Script, you can use Auto Clicker which supports easy management of Keyboard Shortcut Keys, Speed of Automated Clicking, etc without writing a Macro Script. The Screenshot above displays Main Screen of another Mouse Automation Software which supports flexible and easy control of Speed with the help of Timing Control.

Mouse Automation Macro Actions for Script

Apart from Mouse Clicking, you can automate a variety of Mouse Actions from your Macro Script. You can even Automate Mouse Actions which require Keyboard Input apart from Mouse Input like Ctrl + Click, Shift + Click, etc. Do have a look at the given below screenshot which displays Mouse Automation Actions available for Automation by this Windows Automation Software.

Mouse Automation Actions with Mouse and Keyboard Input

Mouse Automation Actions with Mouse and Keyboard Input

As displayed in the above Screenshot, a variety of Mouse Actions can be Automated with this Mouse Automation Software. If you look closely, you will find that you can even Automate Mouse Actions which require Keyboard Input apart from Mouse Input to your Windows Computer. Given below is short description and purpose of each and every Mouse Automation Action supported by this Windows Automation Software.

  1. Left Click : This Mouse Action allows you to simulate / automate Left Mouse Click which is c combination of pressing Left Mouse Button, a short time delay and then releasing the Left Mouse Button. On Windows Computers the Left Click is normally referred to as Mouse Click and can be used to select an object on Screen, Press Buttons and for a variety of other purposes.
  2. Ctrl + Click : Combination of Ctrl Key and Left Click as mentioned above is referred to as Ctrl + Click. On Windows Explorer, you can use Ctrl + Click to select individual Files, Ctrl + Click is also used in lots of Online and Desktop Games for selecting Game Objects and is often used for other purposes as well.
  3. Shift + Click : Combination of Shift Key on Keyboard and Left Click as outlined in first Action above is referred to as Shift + Click. In Windows Explorer, you can use Shift + Click to select a range of Files between two Screen Locations. Shift + Click is also used in Online and Desktop Games for selection of Gaming Sprites / Objects.
  4. Alt + Click : Combination of Alt Key on Keyboard and Left Click as outlined in first Action above is referred to as Alt + Click. This Mouse and Keyboard Input combination is often used in Photoshop and other Dragging Operations on Windows Explorer and other Windows Applications.
  5. Ctrl + Alt + Click : In this Macro Action, the Ctrl Key is pressed, then Alt Key is pressed and then a Left Click is simulated followed by releasing of Alt Key and finally releasing of Ctrl Key.
  6. Middle Click : Pressing and releasing of Middle Mouse Button / Trackpad is here referred to as Middle Mouse Click. Even if your Physical Mouse does not have trackball, you can use the Middle Click on Windows Application which support it. Middle Click is used in browsers to close browsing Tabs, Opening Links in new Browser Tab and the purpose of Middle Mouse Click varies as decided by appropriate Windows Application.
  7. Right Click : Right Mouse Click is basically pressing and releasing of Right Mouse Button with short time delay. Right Click is often used to display Context Menu which normally offers functionality of configure the application behavior or to simply provide easy way to handle data presented by any Application.
  8. Ctrl + Right Click : Right Click with Ctrl Key is referred to here as Ctrl + Right Click. Usage of Ctrl Right Click depends on Windows Application of Game on which it is performed.
  9. X1 Button Click : Pressing and Releasing of 4th Mouse Button is referred here as X1 Button Click. The 4th Mouse Button is present in Gaming Mouse and X1 Button Click is used in playing Games and is also supported by Browsers for easy navigation. Yes even when you are using a 3 Button Mouse, you can simulate this X1 Button Click from any Macro Script.
  10. X2 Button Click : Pressing and Releasing of 5th Mouse Button is referred here as X2 Button Click. The 5th Mouse Button is present in Gaming Mouse and X2 Button Click is used in playing Games and is also supported by Browsers for easy navigation. Yes even when you are using a 3 Button Mouse, you can simulate this X2 Button Click from any Macro Script.
  11. Double Click : Pressing and Releasing of Left Mouse Button 4 times is referred to as Double Click. The Double Click Mouse Action is used to open a file or launch an Application in Windows Explorer. Many Online and Offline Games provide Double Click as a quick way for Gamers to interact with the Game.
  12. Double Right Click : Pressing and Releasing of Right Mouse Button 4 times is referred to as Double Right Click. Many Online and Desktop Games provide Double Right Click as a quick way for Gamers to interact with the Game.
  13. Begin Dragging : This Macro Action presses Left Mouse Button only. Unlike Left Mouse Click, the Begin Dragging Mouse Action does not releases the Left Mouse Button. Mouse Dragging is often used to select or move Files to a different location in Windows Explorer. When using Begin Dragging in a Macro Script, you must add a Move Mouse Action immediately after the Begin Dragging Mouse Action.
  14. End Dragging : Releasing of Left Mouse Button after a Begin Dragging and Move Mouse Action is referred to here as End Dragging. This Action must be used only in combination of Begin Dragging, Move Mouse and then End Dragging to move selected object(s) from one Screen Location to other Screen Location.
  15. Move Mouse : Moving the Mouse Pointer to a different Screen Location identified by X and Y Co-Ordinates is here referred to as Move Mouse. This Mouse Action does not presses any Mouse Buttons and only moves the Mouse Cursor from on Screen Location to other.
  16. Scroll Up : Moving the Mouse Wheel in Upward direction is referred to here as Scroll Up. When Scroll Up Action is executed then Movement of Scroll Wheel in Upward direction 1 Notch is simulated by the Script. Scrolling up is normally supported by Windows Applications when Vertical Scroll Bar appears to present Vertically Long Data like a Webpage or anything which requires Mouse Scrolling.
  17. Scroll Down : This Macro Action works exactly like the Scroll Up, apart from one difference that in this Mouse Action, Scroll wheel Simulation is done in downward direction.

In above mentioned Mouse Actions a Short Time Delay is mentioned along with Left Click, Right Click, Shift Click, etc which is also configurable from Settings Screen of this Mouse and Keyboard Automation Software. Note in the below Screenshot that the time delay between Mouse Down and Mouse Up / between Key Down and Key up is configurable as Random Time Delay as most of the time, we humans do take different time when pressing and releasing Mouse / Keyboard Keys.

Settings Screen to Configure Mouse and Keyboard Simulation Method and Time Delay between Mouse and Key Up

Settings Screen to Configure Mouse and Keyboard Simulation Method and Time Delay between Mouse and Key Up

The Total Time required for a Script containing Mouse and Keyboard Input depends on Time Delay specified for each Macro Action in the Script, Repeat Count of each Macro Action, Repeat Count of whole Macro Script and the time delay between Pressing and Releasing of Mouse Buttons / Keystrokes.

Click at Random Screen Location from Macro Script

When you want to Click at a Random Screen Location, you can define a Rectangular Area in which the Mouse Click must be performed. Once you have added a Left Click to the Macro Script, you can edit it’s parameters to enable the Random Screen Location and define a Rectangular Area in which you want the Script to Click.

Click at Random Screen Location in a Rectangular Area

Click at Random Screen Location in a Rectangular Area

To get started, do add a Left Click to the Script with the help of Pick Button or with the help of Keyboard Shortcut. Yes you can optionally add a Left Click at any Screen Location as the actual X and Y Screen Co-ordinates will be changed in the next step. The Post Add Macro Action to the Script talks in detail about using the Pick Button and about the Keyboard Shortcut Method to pick Fixed Screen Location and add selected Action to the Macro Script. The given below procedure outlines the steps required to add a Left Click to the Script and then modify it’s parameters to effectively click at a Random Screen Location in Rectangular Area

  1. Add a Left Click (Screen Location is Irrelevant here) to the Script.
  2. Double Click on the Action in the Script Editor or use the E Button to bring up Edit Parameters Screen.
  3. Enable the Checkbox Random Location for Mouse Action.
  4. Click on … to view Information box as displayed in the Screenshot above.
  5. Review the Information provided and click on OK to dismiss the information box.
  6. Now use your Mouse to Drag around the Rectangular Area.
  7. Once you have Completed above Steps, Click on OK to close the Edit Parameters Screen.
  8. The Left Click is now Configured to Click at a Random Screen Location in the Rectangular Area. You can use the Select / View Area Button to reconfirm the Dimensions and Location of Rectangular area or repeat Step 6 above to Modify the Rectangular Area.

Once you have configured the Left Click Macro Action in the Script to do Left Mouse Click at a Random Screen Location in the defined Rectangular Area, the Script Editor will display the Bounding Rectangular Co-Ordinates as displayed in the Screenshot below. In case you wish to Modify the Dimensions or Location of Rectangular area, use the Edit Parameters Screen again.

Left Mouse Click at Random Screen Location in Rectangular Area visible in Script Editor

Left Mouse Click at Random Screen Location in Rectangular Area visible in Script Editor

As per above parameters for the Left Mouse Click in the Script, the bounding Rectangle will remain fixed, however the actual Screen Location will be decided at Run Time and will be a Random Location in the bounding Rectangular Area. You can even use Repeat Count to repeat the execution of the Left Click as configured above. Even when the Macro Action is executed multiple times, each time the actual location of Mouse Click will be decided dynamically and will be a Random Screen Location in the bounding Rectangular Area.

Random Mouse Clicking done by Macro Script in Rectangular Area with the help of Repeat Count

Random Mouse Clicking done by Macro Script in Rectangular Area with the help of Repeat Count

The above Screenshot displays a drawing in Microsoft Paintbrush created by a Macro Script configured to Click at Random Screen Location in a Rectangular Area. Note that the Script Repeat Count is set to 500 and the Script was executed a few times. Yes Paintbrush was configured earlier to draw a Line wherever Mouse Click is done. You can even specify Random Time Delay for the Left Click or any other Macro Action in the Script making it a Random Mouse Clicker kind of Script which will Click at Random Screen Location at Random Time Interval.

Automate Mouse Click with Random Time Delay

When Automating Mouse Clicking in a Script, you can use Random Time Delay so as to Automate Mouse Clicking with Random Time Delay. This post provides a quick and short tutorial on how to add Mouse Clicking with Random Time Delay in a Script. Although this tutorial talks about Left Click, however you can automate any other Macro Action supported by the software with Random Time Duration.

Use Random Time Delay for Macro Action in the Script

Use Random Time Delay for Macro Action in the Script

As displayed in the Screenshot above, after adding a Left Mouse Click to to Script, we have used the Edit Parameters Screen to specify 100 Milli Seconds as Random Time Delay apart from Fixed 100 Milli Seconds Time Delay for Action Execution.

Fixed Time Delay along with Random Time Delay in Macro Script

Fixed Time Delay along with Random Time Delay in Macro Script

When above Left Click is done by the Script, effective time delay will be calculated as given below:

Effective Time Delay = Fixed Time Delay of 100 Milli Seconds + Random Value between 0 and 100 Milli Seconds

Effectively when the Left Click is executed the Time Delay before the Left Click is done, the Script will wait for a Random value between 100 and 200, e.g 123,145.167, 198, etc. You can use the Edit Parameters Screen to Change or Update Time Delay for any Macro Action.


Use Repeat Count to Repeat an Action or Whole Script

The Repeat Count field allows you to repeat Macro or Script Execution. Let’s create 2 different Scripts and learn how to use the Repeat Count field to Repeat Macro Action Execution or even Repeat the whole Script Execution itself.

Repeat Count of the Whole Script

The Repeat Count of whole Script is a Numerical field with default value of 1 and is located at the Right Corner of the Software below the Save Button as displayed in the Screenshot below. Note that the default value of the Repeat Count is assigned as 1. You can change the Repeat Count to any numerical value.

Repeat Count to Repeat Script Execution

Repeat Count to Repeat Script Execution

When the above Script is executed, 2 Automated Left Mouse Clicks will be performed by the Script and Script will stop Execution. Now Let’s say we change the Repeat Count of the Script to 10 as displayed in the screenshot below and then execute the Script.

Repeat Count assigned a value of 10 to Repeat Whole Script Execution 10 times

Repeat Count assigned a value of 10 to Repeat Whole Script Execution 10 times

When a Script is executed with value of more than 1 assigned, it executes all the Macro Actions and then Starts all over again controlled by the Script Repeat Count. This time given below process will be followed by the Script execution:

  1. Left Click Number 1 will be done by the Software.
  2. Left Click Number 2 will be done by the Software.
  3. Now since the Script Repeat Count is assigned as 10, the whole Script Execution (composed of 2 Left Clicks in sequence) will be done 10 times.
  4. Execution will run like this Click 1, Click 2, Click 1, Click 2,Click 1, Click 2,Click 1, Click 2,Click 1, Click 2,Click 1, Click 2,Click 1, Click 2,Click 1, Click 2,Click 1, Click 2,Click 1, Click 2.

Repeat Count of the a single Macro Action in the Script

Repeat Count of any Macro Action can be assigned a Repeat Count of more than 1 to Repeat it. Let’s create a simple Script to illustrate the usage and behavior of the Repeat Count parameter of any Macro Action in the Script. You can use the Edit Parameter Screen to Edit Repeat Count of any Macro Action in the Script. Note that the Second Left Click Action in the given below Screenshot has been assigned Repeat Count as 2 instead of 1.

Repeat Action Execution with Repeat Count of any Macro Action

Repeat Action Execution with Repeat Count of any Macro Action

When the above Script is executed, the Script Execution will effectively perform 4 Clicks in the given below order

  1. Wait for 100 Milli Seconds as configured in Left Click Number 1 and then Execute Left Click Number 1
  2. Wait for 100 Milli Seconds as configured in Left Click Number 2 and then Execute Left Click Number 2
  3. Repeat Step 2 Above due to Repeat Count value assigned as 2
  4. Wait for 100 Milli Seconds as configured in Left Click Number 3 and then Execute Left Click Number 3

Only the Second Left Click has been assigned a Repeat Count of 2 and other Left Clicks have been assigned Repeat Count of 1 and hence, the Left Click Number 2 will be executed 2 Times and then the control will come to Left Click Number 3 and execute it.

Click at 2 Different Screen Locations with a Script

When you want to Click at 2 Different Screen Locations, you can create a Script and execute the Script which in turn will Automatically Click at pre-defined Screen Locations. The Given below Screenshot displays a Script in which 2 Left Click Actions have been added and a Keyboard Shortcut F6 has been assigned to execute the Script. In this post let’s walk through the steps required to create and execute this Macro Script.

Click at 2 Different Screen Locations

Click at 2 Different Screen Locations

To get Started, open the Auto Mouse Click Software and use the Pick Button to add 2 Left Clicks. Using the Pick Button requires you to Click on the Pick Button and then click on the desired Screen Location. This process can be repeated to add another Left Click to the Script and can be virtually used to add as many Clicks to the Script as required. The post Add Macro Actions to the Script talks in detail about this process and is really easy to follow.

Once you have got 2 Left Clicks added to the Script, you need to assign a Keyboard Shortcut with which you can execute this Script which in turn will Execute all the Actions in the Script. The Steps required to Assign a Keyboard Shortcut to Start Execution of the Script are as follows:

  1. Do a Manual Mouse Click on the Last White Colored Box which has None written on it.
  2. Use the Keyboard to press a Keyboard Shortcut, let’s use F6 in this example.
  3. Click on Assign.

Once you have completed above steps, you can Minimize the Script Window and still press F6 to execute your Script. In case you do have a big Monitor or a Multiple Monitor Windows Computer, you can Move the Script Window outside the Clicking area and press F6 to Start Automated Mouse Clicking.

Advanced Auto Mouse Click Software with Advanced Mouse Clicking and Key Pressing Features

Advanced Auto Mouse Click Software with Advanced Mouse Clicking and Key Pressing Features

In this Example, first the Script will Execute Action Number 1 and then after the pre-defined time delay of Action Number 2, it will execute the Second Action. This is called as Synchronous Script Execution in which Macro Actions are executed in order so Number 1 Action gets executed first, then Number 2 Action and so on. In case you want Asynchronous Mouse Clicking at Multiple Screen Locations, you can use the Software Screen as displayed in the above Screenshot which allows you to Click at Multiple Screen Locations with individual Time Delay control.

Record and Playback Mouse and Keyboard with a Macro Action

Apart from Adding single or Multiple Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes in a single Script, you can even add a Macro Recording in your Script containing Recorded Mouse Actions and Keystrokes. The Macro Recording Action allows you to record and playback Human Mouse and Keyboard Input from the Macro Script. To get started, locate and add a Macro Recording Action in a Script, review the information box provided as displayed in the screenshot below.

Record and Playback Mouse and Keyboard with a Macro Action

Record and Playback Mouse and Keyboard with a Macro Action

As instructed by the information box, do Double Click on the newly added Macro Recording Action to view a Recorder as displayed in the Screenshot below. Note that you can optionally Record Human Mouse and / or Keyboard Input with Macro Recorder. Also note that a Keyboard Shortcut (F9 in the Screenshot below) has been provided to Start Recording Human Input and a different keyboard Shortcut has been provided to Stop the Recording Process. The Macro Recorder Window Stays on Top of other Application Windows and hence it is a good idea to move it to a suitable location on screen or minimize it when recording Human Input in the form of Mouse and Keyboard Actions.

Macro Recorder to Record and Playback Mouse and Keyboard Actions

Macro Recorder to Record and Playback Mouse and Keyboard Actions

Once you have Recorded Mouse and / or Keyboard Input, you can close the Macro Recorder Window. To verify your Recording, use the Play Button on the Macro Recorder and verify that the Playback is exactly as you want. Once you are happy with the Recorded Mouse and / or Keyboard Input, do close the Macro Recorder.

Verify Playback of Recorded Mouse and Keyboard Input and Close the Macro Recorder

Verify Playback of Recorded Mouse and Keyboard Input and Close the Macro Recorder

Now your Macro Script is ready to use with Macro Recording and other Macro Action(s) in the Script. You can Save the Script and use it just like any other Macro Script. Do Remember that when Mouse Clicking is Automated, the Automation Software does not understand or knows what’s beneath and a perfect Macro Script ensures that all the Graphical User Interface elements are present at exact screen locations, where they are supposed to be.

Automate Multiple Mouse Clicking and Keystrokes

When you want to Automate Mouse Clicking and / or press Keystrokes with Keyboard Shortcut, you can use given below feature of the Auto Mouse Click Application. You can create Multiple Clickers or create Multiple Key Pressers and control single or multiple Key Pressers with a single Keyboard Shortcut. The given below Screenshot displays the complete procedure to launch the Multiple Mouse Clicking feature of this Windows Automation Software.

Automate Multiple Mouse Clicking and Keystrokes

Automate Multiple Mouse Clicking and Keystrokes

Mouse Action(s) and Keystroke Action(s) can be added by using the Right Click Menu as displayed in the screenshot above. Once Action(s) are added, you can select single or multiple actions and assign appropriate Keyboard Shortcut. Let’s do have a look at the New Mouse Action Screen which allows you to Automate Mouse Clicking at current Mouse Cursor Location, Fixed Screen Location or at Random Screen Location.

Add New Mouse Action Screen to Click at Current, Fixed or at Random Screen Location

Add New Mouse Action Screen to Click at Current, Fixed or at Random Screen Location

You can even assign a Name to the new Mouse Clicker which can be configured using Right Click Menu Commands to configure Time Duration, Repeat Count and Keyboard Shortcut. In order to Automate your Mouse to Click at Multiple Screen Locations controllable with a single Keyboard Shortcut, do add multiple Mouse Clickers and then select multiple Mouse Clickers and use Right Click Menu to configure them. The given below Screenshot displays how to assign a single Keyboard Shortcut to execute all the selected Mouse Clickers.

Assign Keyboard Shortcut to Single or Multiple Mouse or Keystroke Actions

Assign Keyboard Shortcut to Single or Multiple Mouse or Keystroke Actions

Note that in the above Screenshot, the Menu item to assign a single Keyboard Shortcut has been highlighted and we will assign F6 as the Keyboard Shortcut to Start / Stop all the Selected Mouse Clickers. Yes you can even select Key Presser(s) and Mouse Clicker(s) simultaneously using the same procedure.

Single Keyboard Shortcut being assigned to execute Multiple Mouse Clickers

Single Keyboard Shortcut being assigned to execute Multiple Mouse Clickers

Once we Click on OK on the Assign Keyboard Shortcut Screen, Main Application Window will update itself to reflect the new Keyboard Shortcut assigned. The Application Window is Re-sizable and also remembers it’s dimensions and location. Yes you can even customize Font of the record(s) listed in the Application Window. You can also resize Column width of the List for comfortable viewing of whole data presented by the Software.

Single Keyboard Shortcut Assigned to execute Multiple Mouse Clickers

Single Keyboard Shortcut Assigned to execute Multiple Mouse Clickers

With individual control of every Mouse Clicker and Key Presser, you can fine tune your Automated Mouse Clicking and Key Pressing requirements. You should also look into the Settings Screen which offers advanced configurable features along with an emergency Keyboard Shortcut to abort all Mouse Clicking and Key pressing done by the Software.

Settings Screen with configurable Keyboard Shortcut to Abort Mouse Clicking and Key Pressing

Settings Screen with configurable Keyboard Shortcut to Abort Mouse Clicking and Key Pressing

This unique and best Software Application is really easy to use offering you Asynchronous and Synchronous Mouse and Keystroke Automation. Whether you want to create a Script or have single or multiple Mouse Clickers / Key Pressers, the Auto Mouse Click Application is definitely the Best Windows Automation Application allowing full control over Mouse and Keyboard Automation.

Launch a Macro Script from another Macro Script

As Scripts become larger and larger, you can divide your Macro Scripts in individual parts and execute them together. Let’s Create a Macro Script which performs certain Actions and launch it from another Script with the help of Launch and Wait Action. The Launch and Wait Action executes an Application or Opens a Document with appropriate Software and waits for it to be completed and then executes the Next Macro Action.

Launch and Wait Macro Action to Execute a Script from Another Script

Launch and Wait Macro Action to Execute a Script from Another Script

Yes you can even pass parameters to an Application launched with this Launch and Wait Action as displayed in the above Screenshot. To Execute a Macro Script from a Script, follow the given below steps:

  1. Create your initial Script and save it to any appropriate Location.
  2. Now create another Script from which you want to launch the Script created in Step 1 above.
  3. In this Second Script add a Launch & Wait Action
  4. Double Click on the newly added Launch & Wait Action and select the Script file created in Step 1 above.
  5. Now when you execute the Second Script, it will execute the First Script and then it will execute the Actions in the Second Script.
A Macro Script Executing another Script with Launch and Wait Action

A Macro Script Executing another Script with Launch and Wait Action

The Screenshot displays Second Script which has few Actions along with Launch & Wait Action to execute the first Macro Script. Note that File Path of First Script has been specified in the Comment Field and is done automatically when the Application or File is selected for the Launch & Wait Macro Action.

Show or Hide Actions in the Action Selection

There are lots of Macro Actions available in the Auto Mouse Click Application and when you only need only a few of them, you can remove the extra Macro Actions from the Drop-down of Action Selection. Removing Actions from the Drop-down hides them so that the hidden actions are not available for selection. The default Installation of this Windows Automation Software has all the Actions visible and provides a Screen to Show or Hide Actions available for new Scripts.

Visible Action Selection Screen to Show or Hide Actions for new Scripts

Visible Action Selection Screen to Show or Hide Actions for new Scripts

The Visible Actions Screen as displayed in the Screenshot above does provides execution information about each Macro Action. To Hide Action(s) from the Main Screen, just uncheck appropriate Action(s) as displayed in the Screenshot below and click on OK.

Action Selection Screen with Unchecked Actions

Action Selection Screen with Unchecked Actions

In the above Screenshot we have unchecked all the Actions apart from top 4 Actions and once we click on OK, the Main Screen of the Software will update itself to display only 4 Actions and will hide other Actions for New Scripts. Note that if you open an existing Macro Script with hidden Actions, they will be visible in the Action Selection list.

New Macro Script with Hidden Actions as Configured by the Visible Actions Screen

New Macro Script with Hidden Actions as Configured by the Visible Actions Screen

Hiding unwanted Macro Actions when creating new Scripts can really save you time and efforts in looking for the appropriate Macro Action. Yes you can easily show all the Macro Actions for Action Selection by following the same procedure as outlined above. Auto Mouse Click Application has been designed to take care of your time and efforts spent and best efforts have been made to ensure that you do get only what you need and avoid wasting time and efforts in unwanted stuff.